Managing People: Power-over versus Power-with
Posted: 12/12/2021Some might remember the “chain of anger” cartoon where the boss yells at the worker, the worker then goes home and yells at their partner, then the child is yelled at, and later the child is seen taking it out on the family pet.
So how do we work and live appreciatively with each other? How does a manager build great working relationships with their staff? The answer may be to look at the power balance.
In social work circles, strengths-based practice is a framework that is often used when working with people. Within this framework is the concept of power-with, the opposite of power-over. Conceptually it is about treating others justly. The supervisory relationship that a manager has with a worker creates a power-over relationship, but it can be the actions and behaviour of a manager that can restore the balance and ensure successful outcomes for the business.
Classic power-over behaviors
• Knowing what is best for others
• Telling people what is wrong with them
• Telling people what to do and how to do it (being the expert)
• Blaming, labelling or classifying people (assuming to know the truth-based on dominant ideas without consideration of unique circumstances and contexts)
• Deliberately or inadvertently excluding people from decision-making, or limiting their participation (blocking choice, jumping in or taking over)
• Giving advice (imposing your views)
• Telling people what their strengths are (patronising, condescending)
• Isolating and marginalising people (treating people as incapable).
Power-with behaviours can help, and include the following antidotes to the negative results of ‘doing’ power-over
• Recognising that people are their own experts on themselves
• Listening to someone’s story
• Seeking to recognise and mobilise people’s strengths and capabilities
• Valuing workers’ aspirations and goals
• Creating a context of discovery and action, improvising and trying new things
• Finding the right questions and relying on a team approach where responsibility is shared
• Enabling processes and outcomes to be determined in partnership
• Focusing on solutions, not problems
In The Strengths Approach, (Innovative Resources, 2005) Wayne McCashen identifies what makes a good worker (worker meaning social worker or counsellor). If we change the word “worker“ to ”manager”, the following suggestions emerge as hints for managers in following a power-with framework for supervision.
What makes a good manager?
• Good managers listen
They genuinely listen
They let the worker have their say
They remember things the worker has told them
They consult workers
They don’t impose their view
• Good managers don’t jump to conclusions
They try to understand the worker’s circumstances
They don’t assume the worker has done the wrong thing
They are aware of what else is happening
They don’t make false accusations
They don’t generalise
They don’t blame
• Good managers explain things
They explain what is happening and why.
They share their knowledge.
They use plain language.
• Good managers are there to help
They are not intimidating.
They encourage workers to contact them if they need help.
They want to listen and help.
• Good Managers follow up
They check to see how workers are going.
They keep appointments.
• Good managers are professional
They share their experiences.
They don’t let personal problems interfere with their work.
They remain professional, but human.
“Power-with is not possible without respect. It requires a belief in people’s potential; honouring and valuing their strengths and seeking to learn from them.” (McCashen, 2005) There is the view that even though we are all unique, “there are more similarities between people than there are differences:
• We all make mistakes.
• Blaming makes things worse.
• We can all get trapped by thinking and behaviour that prevents change.
• We can all have difficulty changing.
• All people have strengths and resources, both known and unknown to them.
• How we see ourselves and the world influences how we relate and behave.
Keeping such commonalities in mind leads us to genuine empathy. It also enables us to get in touch with our own imperfections as well as our strengths and is less likely to lead us to be judgemental.” (The Strengths Approach, McCashen, 2005. p32)
Acknowledging that at times managers do need to make unpopular decisions, and often have to take control of a situation is not lost in the ‘power-with’ approach. The concept of ‘straight talk’ gives respect to the relationship and is equally important. Employees need to be clear around the boundaries and expectations, and this cannot occur without ‘straight talk’.
In the end it is how we go about recognising the best in people, and a ‘power with’ approach may be the answer you are looking for, for yourself and your managers.
What are your experiences? How has a “power-with” approach worked for you, either as a manager or as an employee?
Innovative Resources is a publisher, and a social enterprise of Anglicare Victoria. We publish resources that spark conversations and bring strength-based thinking to the process of individual and organisational change. We also offer tailor-made training and tools workshops (both online and in person).
Article by Georgena Stuckenschmidt
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