30th Anniversary
Innovative Resources is proud to celebrate our 30th anniversary as Australia’s leading organisation in the development of resources from card sets, group training and e-learning that support practitioners to work with people to discover and build upon everyday strengths in their lives and create meaningful change.
As we mark the 30th anniversary of Innovative Resources, we would like to take a moment to reflect upon the journey, not just as a business, but of the commitment to everyone that uses our resources, from social workers, psychologists, counsellors, therapists, educators and human services workers, as well as clients, families and individuals.
To everyone that has seen value and inspiration in using our resources, and every person who has taken comfort, been challenged, or has used our resources to facilitate meaningful change, we thank you for supporting us throughout our three decades and we look forward to the future as we continue to evolve as a business in response to changes in our environment and the needs within our community.
To all of our authors, designers, collaborators, current and former employees, who’s talent and dedication to producing high quality resources over 30 years has been nothing short of amazing, we thank you for your passion and contribution!