The Anxiety Solutions for Kids tool box

Additional ideas, information and resources

Congratulations on purchasing Anxiety Solutions for Kids, a set of 50 cards that introduce simple, practical, fun activities for children who experience worry or anxiety from time to time—and that’s every child!

You can use these cards in so many different ways— put one on the fridge or in lunchbox, use them in a classroom as a morning activity, work through all the strategies one at a time or just dip in and choose at random. The options are endless!

Simply invite children to do the activity on the cards and then notice which strategies they enjoy most, or which ones seem to have the biggest impact when it comes to managing anxious thoughts, creating wellbeing and building resilience.

Now that you have the cards, you will be wanting some fresh and innovative ideas for how to incorporate them into your work.

In this toolbox, you will find:

  • the digital booklet which contains a more detailed exploration of the cards, including a detailed exploration of anxiety, the therapeutic strategies that have been incorporated into the resource, and a whole range of creative ideas for using the cards
  • access to a digital set of the cards so you can use them anywhere, anytime
  • ideas banks, blogs, card hack videos, interviews and other support material.

We hope you enjoy browsing this page and are inspired by the stories of others who have used the cards. Don’t forget to explore the range of other supporting materials and information at your fingertips any time you need it.

This toolbox is exclusively for people who have purchased Anxiety Solutions for Kids. We will continue to add resources and ideas, so check in regularly to see what’s new!

The Anxiety Solutions for Kids booklet

The Anxiety Solutions for Kids digital cards

Card hacks for...Anxiety Solutions for Kids webinar

Blog- Anxiety Solutions for Kids in class

Everyone has anxious thoughts from time to time, which is why it is important to teach all children the skills they need to manage anxiety, find ways to distract and soothe themselves during stressful times and challenge negative self-talk. Read more

Blog- How Parents can use ‘Anxiety Solutions for Kids’

Some situations can be particularly strong triggers for anxious thoughts and feelings in children such as on the way to kinder or school and when the parent leaves (separation anxiety) or when a routine is interrupted (such as a change of teacher), or in social situations such as birthday parties, or when a child is away from home such as on excursions and school camps. Read more

Blog- Anxiety Solutions for Kids

For most people, feelings of worry or anxiety happen every now and then and are part of a healthy emotional range. Such feelings can serve us well by warning us of potential danger and helping us ‘gear up’ for performance. However, sometimes these feelings remain long after the ‘threat’ or stressful situation has subsided and escalate into an unwanted problem, becoming what is known as ‘anxiety’. Read more

Blog- Managing Anxiety

We have all experienced anxiety at some time or another. For many of us, it feels unpleasant, uneasy, uncomfortable and sometimes scary. It comes in many different forms and no two people will experience it in the same way. It can even look different at different times, and in different situations, for the same person! Read more

Blog- Tools for helping kids manage emotions, build resilience and stay safe

By helping children develop the skills and knowledge to recognise, interpret and appropriately respond to feelings and thoughts, we are giving them tools they can use in every area of their lives. Having a vocabulary around personal strengths, resilience, body signals and emotions can also support children to stay safe and build respectful relationships with others. Read more

Blog- The Anatomy of Anxiety

For many of us, anxiety sucks. It feels unpleasant, it’s uneasy, uncomfortable and sometimes scary. It comes in so many different forms and no two people will experience it in the same way. Sometimes, it comes in different forms, at different times, and in different situations, for the same person! It’s unpredictable. It can arise when we are stressed or relaxed. Read more

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The Anxiety Solutions cards are designed to help people of all ages with clinically proven strategies and techniques for managing anxious thoughts. Each of the 50 cards features a unique design and coping strategy that enable users to choose an approach that is right for them.


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These 40 cards feature delightfully colourful animals showing a strength, accompanied by a phrase or ‘strength statement’ naming the strength or skill depicted in the illustration