Innovative Resources Tools: 1 to 1 session

Facilitator: Alison Krusec

  • Do you have Innovative Resources card sets you’d like to be using more often?
  • Have you inherited resources at work you don’t feel confident to use?
  • Is there a particular situation you’d like to apply a card set to?
  • Is there a card set you just have a whole lot of questions about?

We now offer this 1 to 1 online session (using MS Teams), guided by YOU and what you’d like to explore.

It could be for specific areas of interest or practice like:

  • Respectful relationships
  • Voice of the child
  • Resources for supervision
  • Social and emotional literacy—feelings
  • Wellbeing and self-care
  • Reframing anxiety
  • Talking about strengths as resources.

Or maybe a particular setting:

  • Child and family
  • Young people
  • Group facilitation
  • Conversations with individuals
  • Adults accessing specific services

These sessions offer the perfect opportunity to address all those questions you’ve wanted to ask and feel more confident using Innovative Resources cards in a range of situations.