Exploring ways to capture the voice of the child

Facilitator: Alison Krusec


Many of us who have worked with children have grappled with how we can effectively include the perspective and voice of children in our program development, planning and evaluation.

Exploring ways to capture the voice of the child is a core skills online workshop suitable for new and experienced practitioners. We look at who is listening, who wants to know and why. We ask what do we do with the information and why is it important?

Alison Krusec is an engaging and inspiring facilitator who creates an open space for all.

What to expect:

The online session aims to build skills in using tools to capture the child’s voice in a variety of settings. The format is collaborative and conversation-based, enabling participants to ask questions, learn from peers, and develop their understanding and use of the resources. Also:

  • take away a range of strategies to support the capture of the child’s voice
  • identify what the challenges can be, and review opportunities to do something different
  • explore how to run feedback activities that work in different environments and settings.

Resources used: 

Suitable for: