Card hacks for… Storycatching

Facilitator: Alison Krusec

Narratives, metaphors and ‘restorying’ are all important elements of strength-based conversations. They help us think differently about the challenges we’re facing and offer alternative ways of thinking about solutions and ways to move forward.

Stories invite us to listen, help us make sense of the world and our place in it, teach us to live responsibly and encourage us to understand other people better.

Storycatching uses quirky and poignant images inspired by the objects and ephemera of our everyday lives, along with a simple word prompt, to elicit storytelling and stimulate memories.

In this 30-minute FREE online session we will explore:

  • identifying feelings and strengths through storytelling
  • using the Storycatching cards to encourage deep listening
  • introducing the cards in classrooms and workshops
  • how Storycatching can help us remember and share family stories
  • some unique settings for using the cards such as job interviews and ‘walking conversations’.

This session is ideal for teachers, facilitators, writers and journallers, HR professionals, counsellors, psychologists, and mental health practitioners.