Early Years Exploring Feelings bundle

$233.50 inc. GST

Product Code: 1160

A resource for exploring feelings in young children

Learning to recognise and explore our feelings is at the heart of emotional learning.

The Early Years Exploring Feelings bundle has been curated to help children develop these essential skills with resources that focus on emotions, strengths and body signals through fabulous characters that children love.

The Early Years Exploring Feelings bundle includes:

Card sets

  • The Bears a beloved resource for children. These simple yet powerful cards empower children to identify, talk about and reflect on feelings.
  • Stones … have feelings too! a set of stone characters with personalities and feelings, that children can explore to build a feelings vocabulary for themselves.
  • Funky Fish Feelings  48 fabulous fish characters that help children describe feelings. Great for storytelling.


Suggested uses for this pack:

  • Each card set comes with a booklet containing a range of activity ideas.
  • These resources can be used across the curriculum to support social and emotional skills development, and build self-esteem, resilience, and responsive, positive relationships.
  • Can be used with culturally and linguistically diverse children and families and shared with parents and carers to support their child’s development.

Also available:

Workshop: Tools for Building Social & Emotional Literacy in the Early Years

Special Note:

Innovative Resources is listed on the Victorian Government’s School Readiness Funding menu, providing resources and training to help Early Years teams build social and emotional skills in children and families.