‘POSTCARDS’ are a hit at ‘Resi Rocks’
Posted: 27/06/2018Every year the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare runs a ‘Resi Rocks’ professional development day for residential care workers in Victoria. This year, Innovative Resources was invited to launch our recently-published resource called POSTCARDS from me to you by running a series of workshops for four hundred residential workers on the day.
Each worker was given three postcards from the set. They were then invited to choose one, think of a young person they support in their work, and write a message especially for that person. Here are some of the heart-felt and poignant messages they wrote—messages that might be a turning point for a young person, and advice they might treasure their whole life:
- You are a great Mum, and wishing you all the happiness with your little one.
- I know you haven’t enjoyed your time in Resi, then wanted to stay. I hope you find your happiness in whatever you do. With best wishes.
- It’s been a tough few months in Resi. I know how hard you work with all the young people. I really appreciate that!
- You surprise me every day and I am so proud!
- Always work on being in love with the person in the mirror, and always be proud of yourself.
Be proud of every day that you are here.
- Watching you reach for the stars and follow your dreams has proven that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. So proud …
- Very proud of you completing and passing your literacy and numeracy test at TAFE and then enrolling in Cert 3 Health Services. Smashing your goals.
- I am so proud of how hard you’ve tried to keep yourself safe. I know it’s tricky but you are doing so well.
- Princess, I’m so proud of you and how far you’ve come!
- Inhale the future and exhale the past!
- If you ever feel alone, we are always here for you. For anything J
- Life is what you make it.
- I know that as you get closer to your 18th birthday, you are filled with fear and trepidation about where you are going, where you belong and what will become of you. I also understand that your acting out is fear-based and that it is understandable being fearful of the unknown. We’ve got your back
- Sure, you trashed the beds in fear and anger, but hey, you are still here. Let’s work it out.
- Your life is yours to make. Let us help you figure it out.
- When I have your back I will stand strong with you and walk through the struggles and be by your side.
- It’s been a hard day but I’m proud of how you managed it – I’ve got your back and will help you through it.
- Gotcha back girlfriend!!
- Always got your back. Looking after you. Caring. Listening.
- Always here for you.
- Through all the tough times.
- You always need to believe in yourself, even if you think no one else does. You are important.
- Imagination is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
- Don’t believe the BS. Believe in yourself and the good things people say to you and about you. Believe in a better day tomorrow.
- Always believe you are worth it … BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
- Never doubt yourself, always believe! There is only one of you in this world. YOU ARE AMAZING.
- Found out you passed your exam at school. The house is so proud of you. Keep striving.
- Well done on getting through all your exams with everything that is going on.
- You are braver than you believe, stronger than you feel and smarter than you think! You got this girl!
- Hey little man, we are sorry we were unable to keep you safe from the bigger boys. Sorry we could not say farewell.
- When we have you stop by after moving.
- How mature, thoughtful and kind you were on the phone last night towards your friend who was so distre
- How good it was to hear all is going well.
- How you amaze me every day!
- For what you young people have taught me.
- Thank you for checking in with me and showing you care. You are a kind-hearted young man and that was very thoughtful.
- For making my day.
- To my work team, thank you for all your wonderful support throughout my time here.
- Thank you for all the relentless work you do with our young people and carers. Hoping you had a great break—it’s good to have you back!
- Always add a positive vibe to the house.
- Dear Mary, I like the way you make us giggle with your quirky personality.
- Make it easier or possible for someone to do something by offering your assistance.
- Hey Chick, I can see you’re pretty upset. Can I help?
- It’s ok to feel the way you do.
- I’m here for you.
- Your ideas matter.
- This too will pass.
- If you ever need me come and talk to me, because I CARE!
- It’s been a pleasure working with you!! If you need to talk anytime please call me. Happy to listen and help where possible.
- You bet we can! Any time you see me, say hello. I want to know.
- Haven’t seen much of you lately and I really miss our chats. Can we make a time to go for a coffee and talk?
- Hey Penny, I know you haven’t been home in a while but it would be great to have a chat.
- Hey there, sensing you have a lot going on and seem alone. Know that I’m here in any way you need me, whenever you need me. OK?
POSTCARDS from me to you can be purchased as a set (3 x 20 individual design) or in pack of 10 of your favourite card.
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