Explore our wide range of 2023 training opportunities

Posted: 06/12/2022

In 2023 we will  be running a series of free 30 minute online workshops where our highly skilled trainer, Alison Krusec, will share a range of tips and tricks for using our most popular card sets, starting with Strengths Cards® Unlimited. Strengths Cards® Unlimited—the …Read more

Rainbow Talk – why LGBTQI+ resources are needed

Posted: 28/05/2021

Why are LGBTQI+ resources are needed? Because everyone deserves respect. We share spaces with people whose ideas, beliefs and stories differ from our own. Our interests, languages, bodies and styles are many and varied, and this rich diversity is reflected in our experiences of …Read more

Reconciliation in practice–how culturally competent are we?

Posted: 01/06/2020

A few years ago I was involved in a project that asked people from various non-Aboriginal organisations (including my own) to self-rate how safe they believed Aboriginal people felt either working in or accessing their service. We then asked Aboriginal colleagues and staff from …Read more

Respectful Relationships at Christmas

Posted: 05/11/2019

If someone were to ask each of us what Christmas meant to us, we would probably all have a different answer. We might talk about Christmas trees covered in wonky decorations made by our children, the ‘shushed’ wrapping of presents late at night or …Read more


Posted: 29/10/2019

Rainbow Talk:  40 cards for LGBTIQ-Inclusive Conversations Excitement levels are high this week at Innovative Resources—the Rainbow Talk cards and booklet are off the press and in the house. Right now as this newsletter is finding its way to you, the cards are all …Read more

Everyone Deserves Respect: Rainbow Talk

Posted: 03/09/2019

  Diversity enriches our community by … Everyone’s body is different, therefore … A gender stereotype I have experienced is … These are just three of the forty cards from Rainbow Talk, a resource for opening up respectful conversations and storytelling about diversity—particularly in …Read more

Reconciliation Week – Understanding organisational white privilege

Posted: 04/06/2019

On Wednesday 29 May 2019, St Luke’s Innovative Resources and the Bendigo Reconciliation Committee hosted a forum on organisational white privilege. The forum was facilitated by Andrew Shirres (Practice Development Coach, St Luke’s Innovative Resources) and John Bonnice (Co-Chair, Bendigo Reconciliation Committee). The forum was …Read more

Gender Fairness: the conversations we have to have

Posted: 04/06/2019

‘Many of us are not practised at talking about how social constructs of gender have influenced our own identity, our relationships at home and work, and our expectations of each other,’ writes Linda Beilharz (former executive officer at Women’s Health Loddon Mallee) in the …Read more

POSTCARDS – Sometimes to Send, Sometimes to Keep

Posted: 15/02/2019

The original purpose of developing POSTCARDS From Me to You was to provide residential care workers, carers, youth workers and young people with a simple, fun and meaningful way of communicating with each other. With a postcard they can send a message that can …Read more

Gender Equity in the Early Years: Why Is It Important?

Posted: 22/11/2018

Creating gender equity plays a significant role in preventing violence against women and children. Early childhood educators have an important part to play in modelling equal and respectful relationships; through curriculum, learning environments and interactions with children. The early years are a critical time …Read more

Exploring ‘Organisational White Privilege’

Posted: 26/09/2018

The Bendigo Reconciliation Committee has developed a FREE resource for mainstream community organisations to explore the issue of ‘organisational white privilege’. The development of this resource grew out of a Conversation Circle arranged by the Bendigo Reconciliation Committee (BRC) and member agencies during the …Read more

Topping the list with ‘LOVE’

Posted: 06/03/2018

SOON Article from the archives (April 2015, issue 76) Nicole Rotarua got in touch during a short break in Nairobi, Kenya. Here’s her moving account of a team building session in Sudan. Since 2013 I have been working in the Nuba Mountains, a site of war and …Read more

The Importance of Play

Posted: 06/03/2018

  In Play Together Learn Together, an ebook launched at Broadmeadows Women’s Community House late last month, author Genine Clements writes passionately about the primary importance of play. ‘It is widely understood from decades of research and academia that a child learns through play,’ …Read more

The Power and Purpose behind ‘Next Steps’

Posted: 15/09/2017

Every step we take follows another. Every step we take precedes another. The smallest shifts—doing some dishes, putting something away, stopping something, starting something, taking a shower—can all be significant events on a continuum of ‘next steps’, representing our unique pathways through life. ‘A …Read more