Meerkats in the sandpit

Posted: 25/06/2024

Adel is a teacher at Woori Yallock Preschool, a small sessional kinder in Victoria’s Yarra Valley. The preschool has 38 children who each attend for 15 hours a week. Like many preschools, Woori Yallock’s first Innovative Resources card sets were purchased using the State …Read more

Explore our wide range of 2023 training opportunities

Posted: 06/12/2022

In 2023 we will  be running a series of free 30 minute online workshops where our highly skilled trainer, Alison Krusec, will share a range of tips and tricks for using our most popular card sets, starting with Strengths Cards® Unlimited. Strengths Cards® Unlimited—the …Read more

Big emotions and the 5 Bears

Posted: 08/07/2022

When it comes to dealing with big emotions, not everyone has the language to describe how they’re feeling. Today we talk with school counsellor, Judith, who co-created a story to accompany the tactile Bears. What began as a story to help one young student …Read more

Can Bears and Meerkats be Friends?

Posted: 10/05/2022

Maybe not in the wilds of nature, but in the wild world of our feelings many unexpected things can go together. Look inside on any typical day and you may notice a swirling mix of emotions and body signals. The limitations of language mean …Read more

Creative ideas for capturing the voice of the child

Posted: 10/09/2021

Many of us who have worked with children have grappled with how we can effectively include the perspective and voice of children in our planning and program development. We know it is important and valuable but how do we do it well? And how …Read more

A resource for talking about safety with children

Posted: 04/05/2020

As parents, grandparents, carers, teachers and other people who support children, one of our priorities is to keep kids safe. Of course, this isn’t always in our control. Unless we wrap our kids in cotton wool and never let them explore the world, they …Read more

A Gathering of HIPPYs

Posted: 31/10/2019

It can be tempting to think that education begins when kids go to school, but in fact it is through play at home in the early years that the very foundations of life-long learning are laid. This is one of the foundations of the …Read more

Directing Traffic in Schools

Posted: 22/07/2019

Thinking of ourselves as a car can be a very useful thing to do. Clean and green with zero emissions, of course. Or maybe not. Depends on the fuel you are putting in your tank, the junk in the trunk, the road you take …Read more

What is Social & Emotional Literacy?

Posted: 13/05/2019

You could say that social and emotional literacy is the heroic journey from the amygdala to the frontal lobe. A very short distance when measured in terms of the physical brain but a life-long journey in terms of developing impulse control, building respectful relationships, …Read more

A Stone in Hand…

Posted: 15/04/2019

Stones, whether in their natural state or through human interaction, remind us of how our world ‘is’. A stone rock face, gradually exposed over millennia through contact with wind or water, can slowly reveal the secrets held within, telling us of what came before …Read more

Tactile Resources Help People Talk About Feelings

Posted: 23/01/2019

Talking about feelings, relationships or difficult experiences can be very uncomfortable for people. A cascade of stress hormones can be released by our brain when these topics are raised, especially if trauma is present. Have you noticed that our hands are often clear indicators …Read more

Gender Equity in the Early Years: Why Is It Important?

Posted: 22/11/2018

Creating gender equity plays a significant role in preventing violence against women and children. Early childhood educators have an important part to play in modelling equal and respectful relationships; through curriculum, learning environments and interactions with children. The early years are a critical time …Read more

Furious! Helping Children Manage Anger

Posted: 22/11/2018

You’ve probably heard of fight, flight or freeze—the brain’s primal response to threat that floods our system with a cocktail of chemicals to help us react and keep safe. More recently ‘flop’ and ‘be-friend’ have been added to this list. Now, that’s a tidy …Read more