The Ideas Bank
Posted: 18/03/2022Getting the most out of your card set?
Many of the Innovative Resources card sets have an accompanying Ideas Bank – a quick list of things to try in different settings.
So whether you need a handy quick reference, a nudge or some inspiration, click through to download some ideas for getting the most out of your card set.
(And don’t forget to have a look through the booklets that come with many of the card sets – they are stuffed with information, tips and suggestions.)
Ideas Banks
- Anxiety Solutions
- The Bears
- Body Signals®
- Choosing Strengths
- Can Do Dinosaurs
- Cars R Us Kit
- Deep Speak
- Eating Disorders and other shadowy companions
- Funky Fish Feelings
- Gender Fairness
- Inside Out Journaling Kit
- Life Tweaking
- Mates Traits
- Nature of Strengths
- No Room for Family Violence
- Note to Self
- Picture This
- Positive Parenting
- Rainbow Talk
- Reflexions
- Self-Care
- Signposts
- Stones..have feelings too!
- Storycatching
- Strength Cards®
- Symbols
- Talking ecoLogical
- Talking Up Our Strengths
- Tell A Trusted Adult
- Two Worlds
- Ups and Downs
- Walking the Boundaries
Also, watch the video for tips on creating safe spaces for conversations:
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