Strengths approach to practice

Posted: 20/09/2019

Everyone has strengths. Our qualities, capacities, relationships, values, stories, experiences, skills and material resources can all be strengths. But ‘The Problem’ can easily be experienced as all-consuming, keeping clients and services alike stuck and creating barriers to change. Strengths-based practice focusses squarely on identifying, mobilising and celebrating…

Strengths approach to challenging conversations 

Posted: 14/05/2019

Social workers, teachers, counsellors, and other human service workers often support individuals or families who are facing very difficult circumstances—and challenging conversations can be part of the work. Have you ever had a conversation that didn’t go the way you’d hoped? Ever wished you’d…

Stepping into supervision: a strengths approach

Posted: 30/04/2019

Strengths-based supervision creates a dynamic partnership of practice reflection and learning, with benefits flowing directly to clients. In this comprehensive course you will: explore the principles, purpose and processes of strengths-based supervision review some definitions and models of supervision learn how to create supervision…